Sea of Sensitivities
The Sea of Sensibilities, both in its design and usage, resembles the Land of Sensibilities. You can work with the nautical map just as you would with the land map. Place the chart on a table or hang it on a wall, then ask your coachee or your group to position themselves in general or in response to a specific question.
However, it demands even more concrete positioning and interpretation:
Do you change your role in the locker rooms or imagine yourself at sea while your boss enjoys luxury in a hotel? Would you prefer playing volleyball or heading straight to the spa? Are you being told tall tales or are you building your sandcastle? Where would you position yourself?'
Although the coachingcard by Niko requires a bit more associative power and courage, the investment is undoubtly worthwhile. One might even say:
"Get to the point”
Scope of delivery: material and format + instructions
PVC: Coachingcard on PVC is the “robust” one forever. She likes to roll out indoors and outdoors and even loves it when people position themselves on her. Dirt and moisture don't bother her at all. If it is always stored rolled up, it will remain faithful until the end of its life!
Flag fabric: Coachingcard folded onto flag fabric is the "smooth" one that adapts to any situation. When folded small, it can be taken on trips and unfolds on the pin board or on the floor to a sizeable size for working with groups. Dirt cannot harm it as it can be easily washed.
Image file with watermark: Coachingcard as an image file with watermark is only intended for digital use! Please note that all digital products provided are protected by copyright and may not be distributed digitally or in printed form, in whole or in part - not distributed (§ 17 UrhG), made publicly accessible (§ 19a UrhG) or passed on to third parties in any other form.